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Sept. 24, 2015
Town of Princeton, Mass. – Sept. 24, 2015  -- 4 PM
Princeton Broadband MLP   Minutes  
4:04 PM   The meeting was called to order in the Town Hall Annex.  Present were PBMLP Chairman Stan Moss, Edith Morgan, Jon Fudeman, and T.A. Nina Nazarian.
        Jon F. made several points concerning negotiating, specifically with MBI. He noted that this negotiation doesn’t have to end with an outcome, because if negotiations fail and there is no compromise, the town has other options and can walk away. The MBI model is focused on GPON technical design (for routing the lines) and the Princeton Broadband Committee prefers a loop design with active ethernet. The group discussed these designs and purchase of hardware, as the equipment could be available on the state procurement list (COMMBUYS). They agreed that partnering with MBI would be best if MBI accepted the town’s loop design.
        PBMLP members voted all in favor to continue discussions, with MBI relative to having Princeton join the regional build subject to mutually agreed-upon conditions.
        PBMLP members then voted all in favor to appoint the town administrator/MLP manager as project manager for the Princeton broadband initiative.
4:30 PM  Discussion continued around the pole attachment agreement, which does not mention a purported six-month deadline. However, the agreement is not the license (which may be more inclusive). The group also considered “indefeasible right-to-use (IRU) and a sample agreement from Axia. Some conditions seemed risky for the town, but it was noted that even if Axia did not partner with the town (and provide capital) that the firm would be willing to be the ISP—serving only as a vendor. This IRU would be forwarded to the whole board.
        The issue of pole assessments came up. Nina cautioned that MBI might not accept a pole survey or make-ready work done by others. They might want to be on board from the beginning of a project. Stan countered that pole work is standard-based and that it’s done by the firms that own the poles—in this case Verizon and PMLD. This is the case regardless of who is ordering the work. Discussion continued around MBI possibly setting their own standards, insisting on survey information that is out of the ordinary. Stan pointed out that in this multi-vendor industry, things may begin with the same standards but won’t always stay the same.
        Getting town funding at a town meeting came under discussion and Jon F. noted the need for ‘marketing the idea’ and that Phil O’Brien as a marketing consultant can help with a ‘Princeton brand.’ Getting a high number of committed subscribers is key to selling the idea, and Wired West had a sign-up drive that was successful, in which subscribers paid a $50 deposit in anticipation of build-out. The group also noted the upgrade from the town’s Wi-Fi provider, Ayacht, but they felt the 2-3 MB being promised was no competition for fiber optic at 25 MB or more. There may be a special town meeting in 2015 for financing the Fieldstone Farm open space protection plan, but the broadband initiative could use a STM in March or April of 2016 for funding requests. Considering MBI, it was noted that no firm agreements have been finalized with the towns included in Wired West… only draft versions available to date. Plus, there may not be buildout in Princeton with MBI until 2020 or 2021.
        Group decided to send MBI a resolution and see the response. Some conditions include: the town must have the ability to hire/fire (vendors & subcontractors) and the ability to set pricing.
        They also considered short-term, low interest bond with debt service in 2nd year, by which time the subscription fees will be forthcoming, and it was suggested that there may not be an increase to tax bills. The issue of long driveways was considered, and in other cases, the provider supplied the fiber line if the property already had a pathway for the line—on a pole, or in existing buried conduit.
        A van trip to meet the MLP in Hadley was planned for Oct. 5 and Nina will post it.
5:50 PM  Members voted all in favor to adjourn.
Respectfully submitted, Admin. Assistant Marie Auger

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department